Ossufo Momade wants to eliminate the position of Secretary of State

Ossufo Momade pretende eliminar figura de Secretário de Estado

The presidential candidate of the Renamo party, Ossufo Momade, said yesterday in Chimoio, the capital of Manica, that if he is elected President of the Republic, his administration will eliminate the position of Secretary of State (SE).

According to the party president, the figure of SE is a shadow that overshadows the role of the provincial governor, who is elected by the people. The Secretary of State is appointed by the President of the Republic.

"We're going to instruct our deputies so that the figure of Secretary of State doesn't exist in our government, because it often clashes with the Governor's responsibilities," he said, stressing that the SE is an unnecessary element in the state administration.

What's more, Ossufo Momade believes that it should not be the Ministry of Public Works and Housing's job to build and rehabilitate roads. He wants to leave these activities to local government.

On the other hand, the candidate said that his party's plans include revitalizing the local industrial park to employ more young people.

He also promised to solve the problems in the education sector, especially in terms of teaching and learning, which "is sick".

"We have to get a resuscitation room so that we can have an education that will help the country," he said, noting that people reach advanced levels of schooling without knowing how to read and write.

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