This is why catering and hotel operators require a professional portfolio

É por isso que operadores de catering e hotelaria exigem carteira profissional

Mozambican catering and hotel entrepreneurs suggest that the adoption of a professional work card for employees in the sector would facilitate the process of regulating and organizing the sector.

One of the reasons for creating the document has to do with the direct handling of food, which, a priori, demands adequate training to respond satisfactorily to the catering, hotel and events market.

According to the newspaper "Notícias", the information was provided by the Mozambican Restaurant and Catering Association (ARECMO), as part of the 8th edition of the International Tourism Fair, Fikani.

Aurélio Uamusse, the association's president, said that consultations are underway to put this into effect, and then the final proposal will be produced, which will need to be assessed and approved by the government.

He pointed to employability, professional training, cutting red tape in the sector, quality and experience as the main challenges for improving tourism activities in the country.

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