Construction of the Mpanda-nkwa dam and related power transmission infrastructure could start in 2024According to assurances given this Thursday by the director of the development office of the project, which will cost between 4.5 and 5 billion dollars.
The director of the development office of Mpanda-nkwa, quoted by the newspaper "O País" made known, last week, the stage of the project of construction of the Mpanda-nkwa dam and, the respective infrastructure of energy transport.
According to Carlos Yun, the construction work, budgeted at about $5 billion, will start in 2024 (the year in which the financial closing is scheduled), lasting six to seven years.
Of the approximately $5 billion investment in the project, 60% will be applied to the construction of the dam and 40% to the power transmission line.
At the moment, the office is preparing the launch of public tenders for the updating of the project's feasibility studies.
By December of this year, the office will launch another tender for the identification of the strategic partner for investment, whose financial closure is planned for 2024.
In terms of shareholder structure, the Mpanda-nkwa project will have state participation, through EDM and HCB, between 30 and 35%, with the remaining 65% in private investment.
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