The Famine Early Warning Network (Fews Network) reports that Mozambique contains surplus production in existing barns and is available in local markets.
The Fews Network report, "Mozambique Food Security Outlook" comes at a time when the new agricultural season is just beginning, and reveals that the risk of food insecurity in the country is currently minimal (level 1 in the CPI index).
"Compared to last year, in September, corn grain prices were eight percent to 27% lower in all monitored markets, likely reflecting higher domestic supply," according to the document, which forecasts the food situation in the country from October 2021 to May 2022.
This surplus production - mostly of cereals and vegetables -, which is found mostly in rural areas, was strongly encouraged and stimulated by the SUSTENTA Program, at a national level.
Although almost all provinces are self-sustaining, Cabo Delgado has seen some districts affected by terrorism enter a food crisis, thus ranking at CPI level 3.
The IPC index (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification) is an international classification of the food security situation ranging from level 1 (minimal food insecurity) to level 5 (severe hunger).