"Mozambique is regaining credibility with the international community"

"Mozambique is regaining credibility with the international community after the hidden debt scandal," says the vice president of the International Finance Corporation for Africa and the Middle East, referring to the large investments recently announced in the country.

According to Sergio Pimenta, the scandal of the hidden debts, revealed in 2016, had its impact in terms of the relationship with the international community, including with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since, "it is clear that an issue like this has its impact on the vision that investors, not only foreigners, but even Mozambicans, have in investing in the country."

"When we now see new investments that are going to be made, I think we can be optimistic that there really is greater credibility" that facilitates investment in Mozambique, says Sergio Pimenta.

Meanwhile, Pimenta, looks at the investment that the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, announced in October, in the amount of 494 million dollars to finance the Temane power plant, as a good example that there really is a return to Mozambique's credibility in the international community.

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