Mozambique wins six medals at the African Games in Accra

Moçambique conquista seis medalhas nos jogos Africanos de Acra

Mozambique finished its participation in the 13th edition of the African Games with a total of six medals, including five silver and one bronze.

Boxing won the most medals, three silver and one bronze, with Alcinda Panguana, Isabel Mulungo, Armando Sigaúque and Rady Gramane.

Ana Paula Sinaportar and Vanessa Muianga won a silver medal in beach volleyball at the Olympics in Africa. Donaldo Paiva, a chess athlete, also won a silver medal.

Mozambique was represented by a total of 33 athletes in Athletics, Boxing, Judo, Swimming, Taekwondo, Beach Volleyball, Chess and Tennis. (The Country)

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