Public Prosecutor detains Hassan Gulam and searches his home

Ministério Público detém Hassan Gulam e realiza buscas na sua residência

The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) is said to have ordered searches in Hassan Gulam's house, on Wednesday in the city of Nampula. Hassan Gulam is younger brother of Nuro Gulam, arrested by the FBI in the United States at the beginning of February.

Hassan Gulam was arrested on Wednesday morning at around 9am at a hotel resort in the city of Nampula, where computers, deposit slips and other items were seized. He was transferred to the city of Maputo, where he arrived on Thursday evening. He and two other individuals (Mahomed Jhamil Abdul Elias and Zumir Amin Hassan), also arrested and believed to be accomplices in illegal activities, were reportedly hooded as they left the flight, in order to preserve their identity.

At full speed, after landing at Maputo International Airport, they were allegedly taken to a building belonging to the Attorney General's Office (PGR). After some time at the PGR, the trio left, still under heavy escort, and were taken to a jail in Maputo.

The three were arrested as part of the Operation Stop Money Laundering (Stop BC) triggered by the Public Prosecutor's Office, through the Central Office for Combating Organized and Transnational Crime (GCCCOT).

Operation Stop BC is one of the developments that followed the arrest of Nuro Gulam in the US.

Hassan Gulam's father, Mr. Gulam Hassan, had been taken by the authorities following the search and questioned, and spent hours at the National Criminal Investigation Service. He said he was unaware of his sons' activities and referred any questions to them. Nevertheless, Gulam's father is prohibited from leaving the country, as he is also the target of investigations.

"It is also known that Hassan Gulam's brother, Hussein Gulam, and one of his brothers-in-law managed to flee Nacala before they were arrested. They are in an unknown location," the publications read National Justice.

In Nacala, according to National JusticeThe search is still continuing at all the Hassam family homes. Nuro Gulam, imprisoned in the US, is cooperating with the American authorities. (Sources: National Justice and TV Sucesso).

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