Maputo reflects on climate and environmental issues through photo exhibition

Maputo reflecte sobre questões climáticas e ambientais através de uma exposição fotográfica

Mozambican photographers Anésio Manhiça and Bruno Gomes have created a new photography exhibition dedicated to climate issues. Called "Ecological Connection", the exhibition was inaugurated yesterday, Thursday (27), in Maputo, and invites people to reflect on the climate emergency and their own practices.

For the organizers, the exhibition is a visual narrative proposal centered on the interconnection between natural beauty and environmental challenges, where visitors are confronted with images that capture the magnificence of ecosystems in contrast to the harsh reality of pollution and environmental degradation.

Cited by RFIAnésio Manhiça, one of the exhibitors, says that at the heart of the show is "a reflection on climate and environmental issues" and also creates "a narrative that makes citizens reflect on their practices" and on their own responsibility for preserving the environment.

"In total, there are 18 works, some in digital installation format to see the forms of pollution that occur in hard-to-reach spaces and that defy capture by a camera lens," the source added, stressing that the aim is to raise people's awareness of the importance of adopting more sustainable practices and to awaken their awareness of environmental and climate processes.

The "Ecological Connection", inaugurated this Thursday at the Nedbank Business Lounge in Maputo, will be on display for 20 days.

However, for these photographers, "more than an exhibition, Ecological Connection is a call for climate action, an invitation for everyone to join us in this artistic exercise in favor of a planet where the beauty of nature flourishes in all its fullness, in balance with the needs of present and future generations."

It's worth remembering that in February, Anésio Manhiça and Bruno Gomes also exhibited "Simbiose", a show in which they dealt with environmental urgency, greenwashing and the ecological crisis, calling for climate action and corporate transparency for a sustainable future.


(Photo DR)

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