Post-election demonstrations: CDD accuses police of killing 65 people

Manifestações pós-eleitorais: CDD acusa polícia de ter matado 65 pessoas

The Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD), a Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO), filed a complaint with the Attorney General's Office (PGR) against the General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique and the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), accusing the officers of having caused the deaths of 65 people.

According to the complaint, cited by the Savannah newspaperThe killings took place during demonstrations against the results of the general elections on October 9.

The incidents took place between October 21 and November 17, 2024, in the post-election period, the text states.

"Strangely, against all expectations, during the demonstrations, PRM agents had several interventions to repel the demonstrations, however, in their interventions, they constantly resorted to the use of brute force, tear gas, live ammunition, as well as heavy vehicles equipped with weapons of war," accuses the CDD in the complaint.

According to the same publication, heavily armed police officers fired tear gas canisters and live ammunition at defenceless and unarmed citizens.

The CDD says that the majority of deaths, 30, occurred in Nampula province, followed by Maputo, 26, Tete, four, and Inhambane and Cabo Delgado, one death each.

There were also 1,017 victims of violent police action who sustained injuries, many of whom were victims of police chases.


(Photo DR)

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