Demonstrations force suspension of heavy sands activities in Chibuto, Gaza

Manifestações obrigam a suspensão de actividades de areias pesadas de Chibuto, em Gaza

Work on the extraction and processing of heavy sand by-products in the Chibuto district, in Gaza province, is at a standstill due to demonstrations led by local citizens who are demanding payment for improvements agreed for the transfer of the land.

The protesters are demanding compensation of 12,000 meticais for improvements.

Workers from the Chinese company Disheng, which exploits minerals in the district, told the newspaper Notícias that work has been paralyzed for more than three days because of the blockades on access to the mine.

"The demonstrators blocked access to the factory, preventing workers and trucks from entering and leaving to transport the minerals, which are exported through the Port of Maputo," the workers told the newspaper Notícias.

It is known that the amount had been agreed and partially paid. However, according to the demonstrators, the government has reduced the amount of compensation from the previously agreed 12,000 meticais to 3,000 meticais, thus washing away the anger of the population.

The imbroglio has been going on for more than six years, since the population was removed to a new resettlement site to make way for the heavy sand extraction project.

According to Notícias, there are multi-sectoral brigades on the ground led by the Gaza Provincial Executive Council, including the Provincial State Representation Services, namely Land and Environment and Infrastructure, which are trying to seek consensus with the protesting population.

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