Floating hotel on the way to Cabo Delgado's coast

The province of Cabo Delgado will receive a Nortrans floating hotel called CSS Termis, with capacity to house hundreds of workers who, at first, will work on the installation of the floating liquefied natural gas platform, Coral Sul FLNG, in Area 4, of the Rovuma Basin.

The ship is anchored in the port of Cape Town in neighboring South Africa, and the CSS Termis is expected to house 400 workers for a period of 200 days, according to the portal cartamz, which cites AIM.

The South Coral FLNG platform - 432 meters long and 66 meters wide, and more than 200 thousand tons - is already in Mozambican waters, after a 34-day trip from South Korea.

Currently underway is the certification process of the heliport to allow the landing and take-off of helicopters, which will transport the support and work teams.

After the completion of the anchoring, a process that begins soon after the arrival of the platform to the production area, INP will carry out an inspection before issuing the Operation License, in accordance with the Regulation for Licensing Petroleum Infrastructures and Operations Nr. 84/2020, of September 18. This action is expected to occur until April of this year.

This project, which has an investment of approximately seven billion dollars, will produce and liquefy 3.37 million tons per year of natural gas using resources from the South Coral reservoir.

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