According to the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, João Machatine, who was speaking last week in Maputo at the launch of the International Financiers Conference for the Urban Water Supply Sector, the country has water losses of 50% and private management is expected to introduce technologies that can reverse the current scenario.
"We want the water management sector to be transparent and judicious, focused on serving well. From the approach we have taken with our partners, we realize that they are sensitive to this issue and we are confident in improving the provision and management of this resource," he said.
Machatine said that the private sector must be involved in all investments to be made until 2032, when the country's universal water supply is planned.
"Right now we are faced with enormous challenges and we have already chosen priority projects, from water desalination, mini-hydro construction and the distribution process in the cities," he said.
Thus, as he indicated, it opens up space for the private water sector to be diversified. He added that the ten-year water supply for all project is being designed for various segments of the private sector.
"Water management societies have already been created for the three regions of the country, but first the regulatory authority was set up, which, among several duties, the most important is to safeguard the interests of investments and consumers," he said.
Machatine believes that, with the competencies and autonomy given to this entity, all the investments made will be safeguarded.
The country, as he mentioned, has good experience with the company Águas da Região de Maputo, and the intention is to expand this vision to other cities.
"It is important for investors to be sure that by entering these companies their interests will be safeguarded. We invite all partners, national and international, to participate in the September conference because it aims to create conditions to improve the supply of this resource," he said.