Government launches this Friday "Industrialize Mozambique" program

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC) will proceed, this Friday, in Manica province, the launching of the National Program "Industrialize Mozambique.

This is a presidential initiative framed within the implementation of the Government's Five-Year Program (2020-2024), which aims to contribute to the increase in national industrial production, preferably making use of local raw materials, to stimulate production, commercialization, as well as to generate employment and income for young people and women.

A statement from MIC, mentions that "in parallel and under the motto develop Manica, through investments, industrialization and exportation, in coordination with the High Commission of the United Kingdom in Mozambique, on the same date, will take place the round table on Manica business and investments between Mozambique and the United Kingdom, in the fields of economy and trade.

Besides disclosing the opportunities of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) between Mozambique and the countries of the Southern Africa Customs Union with the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, the aforementioned Manica business and investment roundtable will reflect on the commercial transactions between Mozambique and the United Kingdom, through witnesses and experiences of the different stakeholders in the central part of the country.

The event will also serve to disseminate the information and opportunities platform, launch the project (Buy What's Ours) and support female entrepreneurship (SADC WIB) and the 56th edition of FACIM - 2021.

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