Government with 7.3 billion MT deficit to face 2021-2022 rainy season

The information was advanced, this Monday, by INGD, during the Coordinating Council for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. To cope with the current rainy and cyclonic season, the government needs 10.6 billion meticais, of which it has only 3.3 billion.

The rainy and cyclonic season in Mozambique runs from October to March of the following year. As a way to prepare for climatic events (such as urban flooding, floods, droughts, cyclones and winds), the Government met with partners this Monday to discuss the needs to cope with the phenomena.

The Prime Minister, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário, chaired the meeting, having pointed out that the Contingency Plan proposal to be approved "aims to cover not only the issue of natural events, but also the issue of covid-19 and displaced persons from terrorism in Cabo Delgado", reminding that, at this moment, there are "800 thousand people who need food assistance".

The Contingency Plan proposal was presented by Luísa Meque, president of the National Institute for Risk Management and Disaster Reduction. At the time, the leader mentioned that the expected events for the coming months in view of the weather forecasts are floods, urban floods, cyclones, and winds, "and it is expected that 1,498,000 people will be affected.

Before cooperation partners, Meque detailed that "3.3 billion meticais are available for the current season, with a deficit of 7.3 thousand meticais for actions of anticipation and intervention in the mentioned climatic events.

The governor reiterated that the scenario is challenging, in a context where the World Bank has reduced the financial injection that it had been making in Mozambique to cope with these phenomena.

Facing this scenario, Carlos Agostinho do Rosário said it is urgent to mobilize funds from both national and international partners.

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