Galp Moçambique donates ten tons of food to the Makobo Platform

Galp Moçambique doa dez toneladas de alimentos à Plataforma Makobo

Last Thursday (13), Galp Moçambique delivered ten tons of food to the Makobo Platform, which manages various social development infrastructures based on food support for the most disadvantaged populations.

This initiative is part of the conclusion of the 5th edition of Galp's "Every Step Counts" program.

"Every Step Counts" converts into meals all the kilometers traveled and registered in an app by Galp employees, partners or friends of the company, in activities such as running, hiking or simply in their daily lives, promoting a more active and also more supportive life. This edition, held at the end of 2024, reached 6465 km, converted into the same number of meals.

On the occasion, the CEO of Galp Moçambique, Paulo Varela, quoted in the statement, said that "the success of the 'Every Step Counts' initiative demonstrates the genuine commitment of Galp, its employees and partners to building a more humane, just and supportive society".

For his part, the founder of the Makobo Platform, Ruy Santos, praised the initiative, pointing out that "the partnership with Galp has been fundamental in supporting the mission of the organization it represents". "This gesture helps guarantee food for many families and reinforces our commitment to solidarity and social inclusion, which is especially important in these times of great need," said Ruy Santos.


(Photo DR)

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