Alleged Frelimo member stabbed by an alleged Renamo member

Esfaqueado suposto membro da Frelimo por um suposto membro da Renamo

A citizen, allegedly a member of the Frelimo party, was stabbed on Sunday at the start of the second week of campaigning for the general elections on October 9. The case took place in Napai, Muite Administrative Post, in the district of Mecuburi, in Nampula province. According to the Electoral Bulletin of the Center for Public Integrity, the attacker is an alleged member of the Renamo party.

According to the victim, the incident happened during a meeting between the two parties (Frelimo and Renamo). After the incident, the man accused of the attack fled and the injured man is being treated at the Muite Health Center.

This is the second case of stabbings against people involved in election campaigns. The first occurred in the early hours of the first day of campaigning. Two young people from OJM, Frelimo's youth wing, were stabbed by members of Renamo. In addition to the stabbings, there was also an assault with a stick, totaling three victims in the same early morning.

Also in Nampula, in the district of Murrupula, the Frelimo party is using a state building, registered under number 2721.03.153, to host a meeting with members of the OJM and OMM (Frelimo's social bodies), led by the head of the list for governor of Nampula province.

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