ENI announces three new oil and gas discoveries in Egypt

Italian oil and gas multinational ENI, announced last week the discovery of three new oil and gas deposits in the Meleiha and southwest Meleiha concessions in Egypt's Western Desert.

A note from Egypt's oil ministry confirmed the newly discovered findings, revealing that the deposits contain about 50 million barrels of oil. All three wells add up to a total production of about six thousand barrels of oil per day. The discoveries include oil, gas and condensate reserves.

The discoveries in the Meleiha Development Concession were made through the Yasmin W-1X and MWD-21 wells, which were drilled respectively in the Aman South Deep Area near the Meleiha West Deep.

Production from the Yasmin W-1X wells is estimated to average two thousand barrels per day of light oil and seven million cubic feet per day of associated gas. The MWD-21 well, which is already tied into production, has also yielded a steady production of 2,500 barrels per day.

In the Southwest Meleiha concession, the discovery was made via well SWM-4X, 35 km south of the Meleiha field. Evaluations resulted in a production rate of about 1,500 barrels of oil per day.

ENI, through its subsidiary IEOC, holds 38% of the Meleiha concession license, while Russia's Lukoil holds 21% and Egypt's General Petroleum Corporation, 50%.

And in the South West Meleiha concession, ENI holds through IEOC 50% of the shares, while Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation holds the remaining 50%.

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