El Niño: Zambezi Agency allocates more than 53 million meticais for crop recovery

In the province of Manica, the Zambezi Valley Development Agency is investing more than 53 million meticais in mitigating the impact of agricultural crop losses associated with the El Niño weather phenomenon.

Called the Immediate Intervention Plan for the second season of the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign, the initiative provides for the distribution to producers and small and medium-sized enterprises of more than 32 tons of reno potato, common bean and vegetable seeds.

The plan, according to the governor of Manica province, Francisca Tomás, includes the acquisition of irrigation systems with the capacity to cover an area of around 300 hectares.

She was speaking this Monday in the district of Vanduzi, at the launch ceremony for the 2024 agricultural marketing campaign.

"The Immediate Intervention Plan for the second season of the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign will benefit around 1,400 producers," said the director of strategic studies and analysis services at the Zambezi Agency, José Cardoso, quoted by Rádio Moçambique.

According to the official, the measure is the result of an immediate intervention plan aimed at minimizing the impact of the phenomenon.

Maize and other cereals, including vegetables, are the most affected crops, which is why the provincial government authorities are predicting difficult days ahead, as there could be pockets of famine in some districts.

The districts of Tambara, Sussundenga, Macate, Machaze, Báruè, Vanduzi, Guro, Gondola and the city of Chimoio are the most affected by the El Niño phenomenon.

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