All the administrative posts in the province of Tete will be electrified in the next eight years. The guarantee was given by the director of the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) who also revealed that the energization of those regions will be done both with national energy and through solar panels..
According to Carlos Muhoro, there are currently 10 administrative posts left to be electrified.
Muhoro revealed that this quarter the electrification of three administrative posts is guaranteed, namely Mucumbura, in the district of Mágoè, Zóbuè, in Moatize and Chiputo, in the district of Marávia.
The director of Electricidade de Moçambique in Tete made it known that the electrification of the administrative posts intended by his company is in line with the government's plan.
Carlos Muhoro stressed that despite the hard work that has been done by his company, the big constraint has been the theft and vandalizing of electrical materials.
According to Muhoro, these situations have jeopardized EDM's efforts in Tete to expand the network and improve power quality.