National economy grew more than 4% in the first six months of the year

The first semester of 2022 was one of economic growth, with the country registering an increase in activity on the order of 4.37%, announced the National Institute of Statistics (INE).

INE's latest national accounts bulletin states that from January to March the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate was 4.14% and then rose to 4.59% in the second quarter (from April to June), the document reads.

The basis of comparison is made with the 2021 year periods when the Mozambican economy was most damaged by the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, the effects of which are still being seen in all areas of activity.

The Mozambican economy grew by 2.16% in 2021, and, for 2022, the government has set a GDP increase of 2.9% as a target, as foreseen in the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget, approved by the parliament.

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