CFM invests 18 billion meticais in infrastructure

The company Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) foresees investing this year, 18 billion Meticals in rail and port assets linked to the infrastructure, as well as in the increase of rolling stock to meet the traffic forecasts on all corridors, which it manages. Last year the company invested more than 9 billion Meticais.

According to the 2020 Annual Report, in the southern region, the company plans to invest more than 11 billion Meticais to acquire rolling stock to meet competition from the highway in the Maputo corridor for the Goba, Ressano Garcia and Limpopo lines, as well as invest in new strategic business areas, such as natural gas exploration.

In the central part of the country, the company will allocate 3.3 billion Meticais to restore operational capacity in view of the damage caused by cyclone Idai. Of this amount, it also foresees, among other actions, acquiring rolling stock to meet the competition from road traffic in a complementary perspective and to dredge the maintenance of the access channel to the port of Beira.

For the northern region of the country, CFM plans to invest 498.8 million Meticais in the expansion of the port of Pemba, in order to maximize the volume of business generated with the implementation of natural gas exploration projects and to create conditions for the resumption of activities with normality of the port of Mocímboa da Praia taken by the terrorists who have been attacking the northern part of Cabo Delgado province for about four years. The resalient 3.9 billion Meticais, the company plans to invest in unspecified assets.

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