Temane Thermal Power Plant could export 250MW of electricity to Southern African countries

Central Térmica de Temane poderá exportar 250MW de energia eléctrica para países da África Austral

The Temane Thermal Power Plant, in Inhambane, may export 250 MW of electricity to feed the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), according to Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM).

This export will not harm domestic consumption needs and could generate profits for the national energy sector.

The administrator of EDM's business area, Pedro Nguelume, revealed that to this quantity may be added the energy to be produced with the entry into operation of the Mpanda Nkuwa dam, still in the phase of selecting a financier.

The official estimates that "1500 Megawatts is a lot for what are the capacities that we, as a country, have to absorb. Nguelume was speaking on Tuesday in Maputo, on the sidelines of a meeting between EDM staff, representatives of SADC member states and the World Bank.

The meeting was aimed at presenting projects for the financing of electricity transport infrastructure in southern Africa.

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