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Maputo reflecte sobre questões climáticas e ambientais através de uma exposição fotográfica

Maputo reflects on climate and environmental issues through photo exhibition

Mozambican photographers Anésio Manhiça and Bruno Gomes have created a new photography exhibition dedicated to climate issues. Called "Ecological Connection", the exhibition was inaugurated yesterday, Thursday (27), in Maputo, and invites people to reflect on the climate emergency and their own practices. For the organizers, the exhibition is a proposal for a narrative...

Rapper Azagaia ganha mais uma homenagem em Lisboa

Rapper Azagaia gets another tribute in Lisbon

Mozambican rapper Azagaia will be honored for the second time in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon. The event will take place tomorrow, Friday (28), at Casa Independente, in Lisbon. According to a publication on the Casa Independente website, the organizer of the event, the tribute to the Mozambican singer aims to immortalize his fight against injustice...

José Craveirinha homenageado com estátua de marmorite e granolite

José Craveirinha honored with marble and granolite statue

The greatest writer of Mozambican literature, José Craveirinha, will be honored with a statue representing his bust, made from clay and plaster and finished with marble and granolite. According to the Secretary General of the Association of Mozambican Writers (AEMO), Carlos Paradona, the work was built by Mozambicans Idasse Tembe, Lourenço Tsenane and Cuban Manuel Alcayde. A...

União Europeia fecha celebrações do Dia da Europa numa parceria com o Festival Azgo

European Union closes Europe Day celebrations in partnership with Azgo Festival

The Delegation of the European Union in Mozambique dedicated the whole month of May to various activities, ranging from cultural, academic and cooperation activities, among others, aimed at demonstrating and strengthening the links between Mozambique and Europe, as well as the shared values, such as solidarity and unity, highlighted in the Schuman Declaration of 1950. The month...

Xiquitsi promove música clássica na capital do País com o apoio do Absa Bank

Xiquitsi promotes classical music in the country's capital with the support of Absa Bank

The Xiquitsi project kicked off the 2024 Xiquitsi classical music season last week, with the support of Absa Bank Mozambique. This initiative aims to foster the development of culture through classical music, providing opportunities for children and teenagers in situations of social vulnerability. With this partnership, Absa Bank Mozambique reinforces its...

Entre a palavra e a imaginação lançamento duplo dos livros de Eduardo Quive e Mélio Tinga

Eduardo Quive and Mélio Tinga's double book launch between words and imagination

Stories, memories and reflections are the proposals of Eduardo Quive and Mélio Tinga for May 15, at 6pm, at the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Center. The writers are launching their literary works in Maputo: "Mutiladas" and "Névoa na sala" under the Catalogus label. Far from his comfort zone, Eduardo Quive has distanced himself from verse...

PR endereça condolência pela morte do músico Moisés Manjate

PR sends condolences on the death of musician Moisés Manjate

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, has sent a message of condolence on the death of Mozambican musician and founder of the Djambo Orchestra, Moisés Ribeiro da Conceição Manjate. "Mozambicans, the arts and culture are in mourning. They have lost one of the most important figures in the field of music, who helped build Mozambicanity through rhythm...

Morreu Moisés Manjate um dos percursores da Marrabenta

Moisés Manjate, one of the pioneers of Marrabenta, has died

Mozambican artist Moisés Manjate, founder and member of Orquesta Djambo, died today at the age of 104. According to reports in the national press, Moisés da Conceição Manjate, his full name, was largely responsible for the evolution and stylization of Marrabenta in Mozambique and will forever be known as the author of the song "Elisa...


Maputo hosts regional session on cultural policies in Africa

The Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa - OCPA, with the assistance of UNESCO, is promoting the Regional Workshop on the Revision of the Manual for the Design and Evaluation of National Cultural Policies in Africa. The event will take place from May 2 to 3 at the Tivoli Hotel in Maputo. The initiative, according to the newspaper "O País", is designed to provide a comprehensive review of...