Category: Special Elections

Polícia detém dois cidadãos por vandalizar material de propaganda eleitoral em Gaza

Police arrest two citizens for vandalizing electoral propaganda material in Gaza

The Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) in Gaza announced yesterday, Monday (02), that two citizens had been arrested for destroying electoral propaganda material. Without mentioning the names of the accused or which party they belong to, the PRM spokesman, Julio Nhamussua, explained that the case took place last week,...

Campanha eleitoral: Candidato presidencial do MDM, Lutero Simango escala hoje a província da Zambézia

Election campaign: MDM presidential candidate Lutero Simango stops off in Zambézia province today

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Lutero Simango, arrives in Zambezia province this Monday for his campaign campaign. According to the program provided by the MDM, Lutero Simango's first electoral campaign in this province will take place in the district of Morrumbala, where he will...

Marcha e comício popular marcam primeiro dia da campanha eleitoral de Ossufo Momade

March and popular rally mark first day of Ossufo Momade's election campaign

A march attended by hundreds of members and supporters of Renamo, the largest opposition party in Mozambique, marked the first day of Ossufo Momade's election campaign in the northern province of Nampula, in particular, and in Mozambique in general. The Renamo presidential candidate was received on Sunday morning (01) at the...

Cabo Delgado: Podemos acusa órgãos de gestão eleitoral de recusa de credenciação dos seus fiscais

Cabo Delgado: Podemos accuses electoral management bodies of refusing to accredit their inspectors

The provincial coordinator of Podemos in Cabo Delgado, Assane Singano, accuses the electoral management bodies in some districts of refusing to accredit inspectors from his political group. Singano said that the refusal is happening in the districts of Mecufi, Namuno and Metuge. The leaders of those institutions are making it difficult for...

Venâncio Mondlane aposta na governação inclusiva

Venâncio Mondlane bets on inclusive governance

The presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, promises to favor inclusive governance based on the de-partisanship of the state, through the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judiciary. To achieve his ambition, Mondlane says he needs a massive vote for his election manifesto on October 9. The promise of the candidate supported by...

Venâncio Mondlane promete governação inclusiva ao eleitorado da Zambézia

Venâncio Mondlane promises inclusive governance to the electorate of Zambézia

The presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, promises to favor inclusive governance based on the de-partisanship of the state, through the separation of powers between the legislative, executive and judiciary, if he wins the elections next October. Mondlane says that a mass vote on his election manifesto on October 9 is necessary for his ambition to be realized....