Category: Market Announcements

Eni Rovuma entrega infraestruturas escolares na Escola Comunitária Cidadela de Crianças

Eni Rovuma delivers school infrastructure at Cidadela de Crianças Community School

Eni Rovuma Basin, inaugurated a school sports facility at the Cidadela das Crianças ADPP Community Primary School in Maputo, according to a statement issued by the company. According to the statement, the project consisted in the total reconstruction of a multipurpose sports field with approximately 600 square meters for the practice of school sports activities...

Transitex vai reforçar tráfego comercial entre Moçambique e Espanha

Transitex will reinforce commercial traffic between Mozambique and Spain

 Transitex Mozambique plans to boost trade traffic, strengthening commercial transactions with Spain, ensuring its strategic position through access to the Maputo, Beira and Nacala maritime corridors, said Tiago Martins, chief executive of Transitex Mozambique. Transitex, a logistics operator and freight forwarder, specializing in international door-to-door cargo transportation, has started its...

HUAWEI lança “Feira de Estágio” para jovens moçambicanos

HUAWEI launches "Internship Fair" for young Mozambicans

Huawei Technologies Limitada, launched last Thursday a program to facilitate recruitment for jobs and internships targeted at Mozambican university students. The National Employment Institute (INEP) answered Huawei's call to provide candidates with professional experience to grow in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. The event counted...

BM distingue Absa Bank Moçambique como instituição financeira mais eficiente na submissão de dados estatísticos

BM distinguishes Absa Bank Moçambique as the most efficient financial institution in the submission of statistical data

Absa Bank Mozambique was distinguished by the Bank of Mozambique (BM), with a certificate of honor as the financial institution that stood out for the timeliness in submitting statistical data for the year 2021. The distinction by the Central Bank also recognizes the quality of statistical information submitted by Absa Bank Mozambique. The award was made...

Absa Bank e Camões promovem exposição “O Apetrechar do Tempo”

Absa Bank and Camões promote exhibition "O Apetrechar do Tempo

Entitled "The Appearance of Time", the exhibition by national artist Gonçalo Mabunda was inaugurated last June 21st, with the special participation of the Portuguese artist Francisco Vidal, in a concept that enhances the value of artistic manifestations giving vent to the expression of the senses represented through elements that make up the history of the works. A...


LAM: Passenger traffic increases 31%

LAM (Mozambique Airlines, SA) carried in the month of May 2022 a total of 48,175 passengers, against the 36,646 carried in the same period of 2021, meaning a growth of 31%. The four routes with the highest demand in the period under review were Nampula - Maputo with 8,442 passengers, Beira - Maputo 8,684, Maputo...