Category: Market Announcements

TVCABO distinguida como Elite Employer em Moçambique

TVCABO distinguished as an Elite Employer in Mozambique

TVCABO has been recognized for its excellence in the Employee Value Proposition, standing out in the areas of Compensation and Benefits, Career and Work Environment. This distinction was awarded by Tempus Global Group, a multinational company working in the area of Human Resources (HR) and which has been carrying out important research into...

Galp apoia projecção profissional de jovens moçambicanos com AIESEC

Galp supports professional projection of young Mozambicans with AIESEC

Galp Moçambique recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding linking the company to the International Association of Students in Economic and Business Sciences (AIESEC). The aim is to support AIESEC in carrying out its social impact projects on Mozambican youth, while also bringing the company closer to the young people in society. Among other things, the Memorandum...

Moza apoia a construção de paragens de autocarros na estrada Marracuene-Macaneta

Moza supports the construction of bus stops on the Marracuene-Macaneta road

As part of its social responsibility, Moza Banco sponsored the construction of five bus stops for public passenger transport along the Marracuene-Macaneta road, which was inaugurated last Friday, November 18, by the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources, Carlos Mesquita, at an event at which the Bank was represented by Member...