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ExxonMobil e Field Ready de mãos dadas para capacitar jovens no sector de Petróleo & Gás

ExxonMobil and Field Ready join hands to train young people in the Oil & Gas sector

ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada, as the Delegated Midstream Operator for Area 4 of the Rovuma Basin Project, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Field Ready this Wednesday (26), in a joint and dedicated effort to increase employment opportunities for Mozambicans in the Oil & Gas sector. The ceremony...

Dívida externa de Moçambique cresceu 26,3% no terceiro trimestre de 2024

Mozambique's external debt grew by 26.3% in the third quarter of 2024

Mozambique's external debt service registered a significant increase in the third quarter of 2024, with net payments totaling one billion dollars. The data is contained in the quarterly Balance of Payments (BoP) bulletin released by the Bank of Mozambique (BdM), to which MZNews had access, highlighting that this result represents an increase of...

Zonas de actuação é o que difere um terrorista de um manifestante, na perspectiva de Chapo

Zones of action is what differentiates a terrorist from a protester, in Chapo's view

The President of the Republic (PR), Daniel Chapo, has once again compared the recent violent protests in Mozambican cities with the attacks by Islamic terrorists that are ravaging the province of Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country. Speaking on Wednesday in the Cabo Delgado district of Palma, Chapo said that the only difference between the violent protesters and...

Manica: Chuva condiciona trânsito entre Mossurize e Machaze

Manica: Rain conditions traffic between Mossurize and Machaze

Road traffic between the districts of Mossurize and Machaze, in Manica, has been affected by the submergence of the drift built over the Chinhica River. The heavy rain in the province and in neighboring Zimbabwe is the cause of the submergence. The information was shared with the public broadcaster, Rádio Moçambique, by the provincial...

CAF vai realizar nova inspecção ao Estádio Nacional do Zimpeto

CAF to carry out new inspection of Zimpeto National Stadium

The Mozambican Football Federation (FMF) was notified today by the African Football Confederation (CAF) to carry out a new inspection of the Zimpeto National Stadium. According to a note from the FMF, the new inspection, which will take place over the next few days, aims to assess the progress made since the last inspection, carried out...

Suprema Corte suspende ordem judicial para retoma do apoio da USAID

Supreme Court suspends court order to resume USAID support

US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday night 27 suspended a court order requiring President Donald Trump's administration to continue paying humanitarian assistance funds through the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The court order set a 48-hour deadline for the release of...

Chachine garante haver segurança em Moçambique para receber compatriotas refugiados no Maláui

Chachine assures that Mozambique is safe to receive compatriots who are refugees in Malawi

The Minister of the Interior, Paulo Chachine, says that Mozambique has the security conditions to receive the approximately 13,000 Mozambican citizens from Zambezia province who have taken refuge in Malawi as a result of the electoral protests. "I believe there is security in the country. The country is safe, there is security in the country," he told...

INAM: Tempestade GARANCE poderá evoluir para ciclone tropical a partir de hoje

INAM: Storm GARANCE could develop into a tropical cyclone as of today

Mozambique's National Meteorological Institute (INAM) warns that the Severe Tropical Storm, which is influencing the occurrence of rain and thunderstorms in our country and in the Mozambique channel, could evolve into a tropical cyclone from this Thursday, as it moves away from Madagascar. Named "GARANCE", the tropical storm could be accompanied...

Governo anuncia medidas nas tarifas de água potável

Government announces measures on drinking water tariffs

The government has approved a set of measures that will allow for greater efficiency in the process of adjusting drinking water tariffs, making the service more accessible and sustainable for the population. The proposal to revise Decree 41/2021 on the Mechanisms for Indexing and Adjusting Average Consumer Reference Drinking Water Tariffs,...