Cabo Delgado: Terrorists behead a citizen in Palma

Cabo Delgado: Terroristas decapitam cidadão em Palma

A citizen, accompanied by his wife, was murdered and beheaded by terrorists on Thursday in the village of Naliendele, Palma district, in Cabo Delgado province.

Sources say that a group of ten insurgents had already been circulating in some villages in Palma since last week. And that during Thursday's action, the dead man's wife managed to escape.

"It happened in a field near the village of Naliendele, where the victim and his wife were harvesting cassava for family consumption. The incident happened very close to the village, but the wife returned home. I don't have any more details, but what is certain is that they killed the husband," said Juma Ali.

Another source noted that the case had rattled the village and caused fear and a halt to trade, "because people know how brutal those evildoers were. So the whole town went on alert because we don't know if there were others in hiding, apart from the ten who were seen." (AIM)

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