Beatriz Buchili laments the lack of integrity on the part of public servants

Beatriz Buchili lamenta a falta de integridade por parte dos servidores públicos

The Attorney General of the Republic, Beatriz Buchili, defended today, Monday (16), a new dynamic in the fight against corruption and related crimes, as part of the strategy of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), pointing out that the lack of integrity on the part of public servants favors the squandering of the country's natural resources.

According to Buchili, who was speaking during the inauguration of the new director of the Central Office for Combating Corruption (GCCC), Glória da Conceição Adamo, the lack of integrity on the part of public servants also diverts resources needed to create conditions for citizens to access basic services.

"Corruption is one of the biggest challenges we face as a society. This evil corrodes the essence of the rule of law, diverts resources that could be used for essential services and undermines the population's trust in leaders and institutions," Buchili emphasized in a publication by the Savannah newspaper.

To this end, Buchili revealed that "the Public Prosecutor's Office has approved the Strategic Plan with priority axes that reflect the PGR's determination to tackle this scourge, describing corruption as a crime that transcends borders, "which requires solid and effective international cooperation".

"This plan is aligned not only with the Public Administration guidelines, but also with the international conventions to which our country is a signatory, reinforcing our commitment to adopting the best global practices in the fight against corruption," Buchili pointed out.

Gloria da Conceição Adamo, a deputy attorney general, replaces Ana Gemo, who was director of the GCCC for 16 years, in her new position.


(Photo DR)

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