Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)


Reconstruction of Cabo Delgado could cost 638 million meticals

The rehabilitation of districts affected by terrorism in Cabo Delgado province could cost the state coffers just over 638 million meticais, according to an assessment by the Ministry of State Administration and Public Service. The work will contemplate seven districts, whose infrastructures were destroyed by terrorists operating in the province since finals of 2017....

INAE destrói 14 mil tóneres contrafeitos

INAE destroys 14,000 counterfeit toners

More than 14 thousand counterfeit toners were incinerated, yesterday, in Maputo city, by the National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE). This is material seized in several commercial establishments in the city and province of Maputo, since the last quarter of 2017. According to INAE, the seizure of the products results from a complaint made by the owner of a...

Serviços de registo criminal chegam a moçambicanos no estrangeiro

Criminal records services reach Mozambicans abroad

The Deputy Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs will proceed tomorrow, in South Africa, the launch of the Criminal Records Information System (SIRC) to facilitate the obtaining of criminal records to Mozambicans living in the diaspora. The first beneficiaries will be Mozambican citizens residing in South Africa, Tanzania, Portugal and Germany, from...


Last Minute: LAM plane veers off course mid-flight

A plane of Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM), on its route Nampula/Maputo, was forced to deviate from its route and land in Chimoio (Manica), due to bad weather (poor visibility). "After the finding about bad weather at Maputo International Airport, where it should have made the landing, the aircraft 'operating flight TM1056' diverted to...


Netflix plans to produce its own "Star Wars

Netflix aims to replicate the success of Mickey Mouse and "Star Wars/Star Wars" by trying to build brands that cut across movies, television, games, and consumer products. Teams at the company that changed the way we watch television and movies plot ways to get more out of the biggest shows and movies on its own platform with...


CFAO Motors fined more than 41 million meticais

CFAO Motors Mozambique, Lda was fined more than 41 million meticais by the Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) for having carried out a concentration operation without prior notification. According to a source CFAO Motors conducted several transactions at the same time, including the acquisition of 98% of the share capital...