Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

IV edição da Corrida Azul do Standard Bank: Prémio global ascende a 260 mil meticais

4th edition of the Standard Bank Blue Race: global prize amounts to 260 thousand meticais

With an overall prize of 260 thousand meticais, the 4th edition of the Blue Race - a half-marathon organized by Standard Bank, with technical assistance from the Athletics Association of the city of Maputo, aiming to boost the development of athletics and to unleash talents - will take place on September 3, in the capital of the country. The event, inserted in...


Maluana" Case: Sentencing to be announced tomorrow

The Judicial District Court of Manhiça will tomorrow read the sentence of the case "Maluana Accident" that took the lives of over 30 people and injured 27 others in July last year, in the National Road Number One (EN1), Manhiça district, Maputo province. The trial of this process began last...


Ukraine: UN forecasts increase in grain export ships

The United Nations (UN) expects a sharp increase in the transit of grain export ships from Ukrainian ports soon, after the procedures agreed upon by Moscow and Kiev to allow traffic in the Black Sea are established. The information was advanced by Frederick Kenney, acting UN coordinator in the...


Monkeypox: Africa CDC in "very advanced" negotiations for vaccine

The acting director of the African Union's (AU) dependent public health agency, Ahmed Ogwell, said he could not give details about the negotiations, but said the partners are "largely multilateral institutions and non-African governments. There are no discussions with the private sector because all available doses have already been purchased by the...

Zambézia. Administradora de Molumbo é arguida por alegado desvio de produtos alimentares

Zambezia. Administrator of Molumbo is accused for alleged embezzlement of food products

The Zambezia provincial prosecutor's office has charged the administrator of Molumbo district, Ester Malawía, for allegedly diverting food products destined for elderly people. This was confirmed on Wednesday to the press by the spokesperson of Zambezia provincial prosecutor, Cláudio de Almeida. According to Cláudio de Almeida, quoted by Radio Mozambique, the process has already been opened against...

Arranca em breve reabilitação da estrada Boane-Namaacha

Rehabilitation of Boane-Namaacha road to start soon

Work will soon begin on the rehabilitation of national road number two, EN2, in the Boane-Namaacha section in Maputo province, covering 39 kilometers, said an official source cited by Radio Mozambique. The director of Infrastructure Services in Maputo province, Fernando Andela, said that the tender for the selection of the contractor was launched...


President of the Republic inaugurates rail transport equipment

The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, is heading, this Thursday, at the Central Station of Mozambique Railways in Maputo, the inauguration ceremony of rail transport equipment. The equipment to be inaugurated results from the investment under the Triennial Plan of the Mozambique Railways Company, inserted in the Government's Five Year Program. More...


Honda drops 33% in fiscal Q1 on chip shortage

Honda's profit fell 33% in the first quarter of the fiscal year, compared to the same period in 2021, due to the shortage of 'chips', the blockade in China due to the pandemic and the increase in raw material prices. The Japanese company's profit fell to 149.2 billion yen (about 1 billion euros)...