Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Corpo de José Eduardo dos Santos está a caminho de Luanda

José Eduardo dos Santos' body is on its way to Luanda

The body of José Eduardo dos Santos, who ruled Angola from 1979 to 2017, is already on its way to Luanda, Angola, and is expected to arrive this Saturday afternoon, the country's government said in a statement. "The Angolan executive makes public that the mortal remains of the former President of...


State loses nearly 4 billion meticais annually due to poaching

The Mozambican state annually loses about 4 billion meticais due to poaching in the Special Economic Zone, said an official source from the sector. Leonid Chimarizane, coordinator of the National Marine Institute, said that with illegal fishing, several vessels fail to pay port fees, thus not contributing to the boosting of the economy...


Government defends restructuring of LAM carrier and telephone company Tmcel

The Minister of Economy and Finance of Mozambique, Max Tonela, yesterday admitted that state carrier Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) and telephone company Tmcel need restructuring to enter the path of sustainability. Max Tonela outlined the outlook of the two strategic companies, during a meeting with the World Bank's director for Mozambique, Idah...

Governo comprometido na erradicação de uniões prematuras

Government committed to eradicating premature unions

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Verónica Macamo reaffirms the government's commitment to eradicate premature unions and protect children's rights in order to ensure the social development of the country. The minister was speaking yesterday in Maputo, on the margins of the meeting she held with thirteen girls, who participate in the EU program...


Companies implement measures to decongest the N4

The public company Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique and Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo (MPDC), as well as TCM (a sub-concession of MPDC) announced yesterday a series of measures to decongest the National Road Number Four (N4) and other roads in the city of Matola. Among the measures in question, we highlight...


Mozambique wants TRILAND project to go to execution

The Director General of the National Institute of Tourism, Marco Vaz dos Anjos, says he hopes that the TRILAND project will finally move into the execution stage. The three countries involved agree that for the success of the TRILAND project, in each one of them the challenges that still persist must be removed, such as the roads, the...


Fishing sector grew 3% last year

The fishing sector in 2021 will grow by 3% in the country compared to the previous year, said the Minister of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Lídia Cardoso, during the institution's Consultative Council in Maputo. The minister also said that by 2024 the fisheries sector expects to capture 683,000 tonnes of fish...

Pedro Carvalho é o novo Administrador-Delegado do Absa Bank

Pedro Carvalho is the new CEO of Absa Bank

The Executive Director of Retail Banking and Business of Absa Bank Mozambique, Pedro Carvalho was the name chosen as Managing Director of Absa Bank Mozambique, thus replacing Rui Barros. Carvalho will start his duties as Managing Director on September 1, 2022, announced the bank this Thursday in a press release. A...