Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

PRM detém estrangeiro com 28 quilos de droga ‘mandrax’

PRM detains foreigner with 28 kilos of 'mandrax' drugs

The Police of the Republic of Mozambique arrested a South African citizen with 28 kilos of 'mandrax', a synthetic drug, in a car in Matola, announced today an official source of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC). According to the spokesman of SERNIC in Maputo province, Henrique Mendes, the suspect was caught with the drug after being questioned by the police....


Profits of China's top industrial companies fell 12% in July

Profits at China's major industrial companies fell 12% in July, affected by an energy crisis, which was exacerbated by extreme weather, and rising geopolitical tensions with some of the country's major trading partners. Although the supply side was less impacted by confining measures compared to previous months, the crisis...


PR visits Maputo province

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will make a working visit to the province of Maputo, starting on Monday. In this province, the Head of State will proceed, in Ricatla, Marracuene district, the opening of the fifty-seventh edition of the Maputo International Fair (FACIM), indicates a statement from the Presidency. The Head of State will,...


Millennium bim is the "Best Digital Bank in Mozambique" and the "Most Innovative Digital Bank in Africa

 Millennium bim won two more prestigious international awards: it was recognized as the "Best Digital Bank in Mozambique" and the "Most Innovative Digital Bank in Africa". The awards were announced in New York, on the 10th of this month, by Global Finance, a respected international magazine for information on financial markets and...

Maputo acolhe IV Grupo de Trabalho das Comissões Orçamentais dos PALOP

Maputo hosts the IVth Work Group of the PALOP Budget Commissions

Mozambique is hosting, this Monday, the meeting of the IV Working Group of the Budget Commissions of the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste, under the theme "Budgetary Legislative Oversight and Sovereign Wealth Funds," says a statement from the Assembly of the Republic (AR) quoted by "Notícias". The three-day event, held as part of the program for the consolidation of the...

BM aprova 250 milhões de dólares para o projecto BRT

BM approves US$ 250 million for BRT project

The World Bank (WB) has just approved a financing in the order of 250 million dollars for the implementation of the rapid transit system (BRT) for public passenger transport in the metropolitan region of greater Maputo, which comprises the cities of Maputo and Matola and villages of Boane and Marracuene. The funds will be used...