Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)


Local Forces Shoot 18 Terrorists in Nangade

Local forces of the village Liché, administrative post of Ntamba, district of Nangade, admit to have killed in an ambush 18 terrorists who on October 27, from 17 to 20:00 hours, attacked that community, burning more than two hundred huts and almost all commercial establishments, having looted the goods, however, with no record of fatalities, writes...

Crimes de terrorismo: Magistrados propõem alteração da Lei Penal

Terrorism Crimes: Magistrates propose amending criminal law

Judicial magistrates defend the amendment of the Criminal Law to accommodate situations not foreseen in the current one, taking into account the emergence of new crimes, such as those linked to terrorism, which currently affects the province of Cabo Delgado. Speaking on behalf of the judicial magistrates at the Annual Conference and Meeting of the Forum of Presidents of the Supreme Courts of the...


Búzi Hidrocarbonetos seeks buyers of natural gas

The market search comes after confirmation of the existence of marketable gas in the Sofala province region. According to the newspaper "O País" Búzi Hidrocarbonetos is already looking for buyers for the natural gas of Búzi, confirmed through research made by the Indonesian company EMP. Even though the identification of the potential of...


Supreme Court Chief Justice Advocates New Ways to Fight Terrorism

The president of the Supreme Court, Adelino Muchanga, defended new forms of action of the judiciary against terrorism in Southern Africa, pointing out that this type of criminality constitutes a direct threat to societies and states. "The new forms of terrorism also impose on the judiciary new forms of action to combat...

Sofala vai ter fábrica de carvão vegetal ecológico

Sofala to have ecological charcoal factory

The district of Muanza, in Sofala, plans to build an ecological charcoal production unit, the first of its kind in the country, budgeted at 26 million meticais, with funding from the World Bank. The factory will have the capacity to produce 2.500 tons of ecological charcoal per year, using as raw material the sawdust that...


Last minute: WhatsApp crashes worldwide

The social network WhatsApp, which is part of the Meta (Ex Facebook) portfolio is down for some users. According to DownDetector, there are glitches reported by users since Tuesday morning (10/25) all over the world, but no information is given on the real reasons for the failure. Facebook and Messenger,...


Mozambique participates in the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of Gas Exporting Countries

The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, will represent Mozambique at the Forum of gas exporting countries, starting Tuesday in Egypt. This is the first time that the country participates in the event after becoming an observer last February. According to Radio Mozambique the meeting will discuss, among other issues, the global vision...