Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Acidentes de viação mataram mais de 800 pessoas em 2024

Road accidents killed more than 800 people in 2024

At least 825 people died last year on national roads as victims of traffic accidents, which represents an increase of 71 cases compared to 2023, when the authorities reported 754 losses. Rocinda Uelemo, spokesperson for the Traffic Police (PT) at the General Command of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM), said...

Portagem de Maputo: Manifestantes obrigam o cancelamento de  cobranças

Maputo tollbooth: Protesters force cancellation of charges

TRAC was forced to cancel the resumption of toll collection on the N4 today, specifically at the Maputo tollgate, due to the action of the demonstrators in not allowing collections to take place. The Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR) was called in. Shots were fired at the scene. But the demonstrators remained firm in not allowing...

Marcelino Gildo Aberto é o novo PCA da LAM

Marcelino Gildo Aberto is LAM's new PCA

The General Assembly of Mozambique Airlines, meeting in extraordinary session, appointed Marcelino Gildo Aberto to the position of Chairman of the company's Board of Directors. Marcelino Gildo Aberto takes over from Américo Muchanga, now Minister of Communications and Digital Transformation. Before being appointed to the position at LAM, Marcelino Alberto was...

PR exorta diplomatas a promover imagem de Moçambique no estrangeiro

PR urges diplomats to promote Mozambique's image abroad

Yesterday in Maputo, the President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, highlighted the importance of economic diplomacy and projecting Mozambique's image internationally. Chapo was speaking at a meeting with the heads of the country's diplomatic and consular missions abroad. "Mozambique's image is in your hands, it's in our hands and everyone...

Dívida pública cresceu 5%  no último trimestre

Public debt grew 5% in the last quarter

Mozambique's public debt grew by 5% at the end of the third quarter of 2024, compared to the previous quarter, exceeding 16,730 million dollars. A document released yesterday by the Ministry of Finance, and quoted by "O País" , indicates that the volume of public debt grew by 50 840 million meticais in three months. The document...

Novos governadores devem liderar o combate à corrupção

New governors must lead the fight against corruption

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, today called on the sworn-in governors to lead by example in the fight "against corruption, nepotism, cronyism and the valorization of meritocracy". Chapo, who was speaking a few moments ago during the swearing-in ceremony of the provincial governors at the Presidency of the Republic, said that the governors should, in order to...

Três províncias podem estar livres do surto de sarampo

Three provinces may be free of measles outbreak

The provinces of Cabo Delgado, Zambézia and Sofala may be free of the measles outbreak, after two months without any new episodes of the disease, the health authorities said. The trend is the result of the implementation of actions to control the transmission of the disease in the communities, with emphasis on raising awareness about the forms of prevention,...

Xiquitsi participa no FEMUSC no Brasil

Xiquitsi participates in FEMUSC in Brazil

Since January 12, the Xiquitsi Classical Music Project has been taking part in the 20th International Music Festival of Santa Catarina-FEMUSC, in Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil. At the festival, according to a press release quoted by "O País", the Xiquitsians are performing Mozambican and African songs as a way of representing their roots. In all,...