AR debates demonstrations against TSU in the civil service

The Mozambican parliamentarians are debating, as a matter of urgency, the possible paralysis of public service activities due to inconsistencies in the attribution of scales that determine the new salaries based on the Single Wage Table (TSU).

The request to hear the executive was made to the standing committee of the Assembly of the Republic (AR) by the bench of the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo).

The errors in the TSU, which led to non-compliance with agreements by the Government and wage cuts, led several civil service classes to consider holding general strikes until their concerns were addressed.

For example, the Medical Association of Mozambique (AMM), which announced a general strike for November 7th, is in talks with the Executive and has rescheduled the national strike for December 5th.

In letters published in several media outlets, groups of teachers also threatened to paralyze classes and boycott exams for the school year about to end, in protest against the TSU.

The Mozambican Judges Association (AMJ) threatened on Monday to challenge the new remuneration matrix, considering that the instrument "calls into question the constitutional status of judges.

It is also recalled that last week, employees of the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance in Maputo and Zambezia paralyzed the activities contesting cuts in special subsidies with the approval of the TSU. In Maputo the police were called to intervene to calm the tempers.

In addition to the item on the risks of paralysis of the civil service, the parliament will also consider the draft resolution of the General State Account for 2021 and the proposals to revise the law on professional education and the law establishing the legal regime of foreign citizens.

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