Road accident kills eight people in Nampula

Aparatoso acidente de viação mata oito pessoas em Nampula

An apparent road accident killed eight people on board a semi-collective passenger transport vehicle on Monday in the Namina Administrative Post, Mecubúri district, in Nampula province. Six people died on the spot. Most of the victims were shopkeepers.

The accident also resulted in the injury of around 16 people, both serious and minor, some of whom underwent surgery at Nampula Central Hospital. Five patients have already been discharged, and two are still in intensive care. Other patients are in the orthopaedic department.

The semi-truck crashed into a cargo truck parked on the road. The car was traveling overloaded.

"Even the driver didn't understand how he was carrying so many people," said one of the people in the vehicle. "He was driving like he was carrying bags."

The survivors told the press that the accident was caused by the driver of the semi-truck speeding. But the police also found that there were no signs indicating the presence of a parked vehicle.

The travelers had warned the driver about the excessive speed at which he was traveling. He ignored their pleas to slow down. In addition, he was driving against the sun, which, when it began to rise, reduced the driver's ability to see, leading to the accident.

According to Rosa Chaúque, spokeswoman for the Police of the Republic of Mozambique in Nampula, after the incident he went on the run and is now somewhere. She assured that efforts are underway to locate and arrest him.

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