A software program to combat school failure, MAPIE, will be presented on Friday in Marinha Grande, in the Leiria district. The promoter company has the ambition to reach 150 school groups in Portugal and 200 in Brazil by 2022.
"New business creation in the post-pandemic is one of the priorities of the Global Business Fabric"
Five out of ten executives consider new business development as a priority for growth in the post-pandemic
SADC military contingent advance team already in Mozambique
The Ministry of Defense announced today the arrival in the country of an "advance team" to prepare the conditions for the deployment of the SADC military force that will support the fight against armed groups in the northern region
The Tax Authority collected 127 billion meticais in the first semester
The Tax Authority (AT) of Mozambique collected 127 billion meticais in the first half of this year, meeting 48% of the tax revenue target projected for this year
Recognition of skills acquired outside education becomes valid
The government approved the System for Recognition of Acquired Skills (SRCA), aiming to guide, regulate and facilitate the certification of skills and professional qualifications
Dubai uses drones to produce artificial rain to combat heat wave
The UAE emirate used drones that released electrical charges into the clouds causing them to group together and form precipitation
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