Mozambique, Angola, Brazil and Cape Verde are among the countries that have been removed from the UK's "red" list...
Moderna's manufacturer sidelines poor countries for Covid 19 vaccine
Poor countries are relegated to the background when it comes to Covid-19 vaccination. You see...
IMF Reaffirms "Full Confidence" in Kristalina Georgieva's Leadership
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said today that it maintains "full confidence" in the leadership of Kristalina Georgieva, who has been accused of wrongdoing, and in "her ability to continue to perform her duties effectively."
"Lack of water and sanitation worsens diseases in Mozambique"
Cholera, diarrhea and other water-borne diseases are on the rise in Cabo Delgado due to war damage in the northern province, the International Red Cross Committee (ICRC) warned on Monday.
Europe passes a resolution that ensures road safety
No alcohol, 30 km/h in the cities and no cell phones, are the general lines of the new resolution approved by the European parliament...
Girls still have less access to the Internet, says UNFPA
Today, October 11, marks the International Day of the Girl. According to data from the Population Fund of the...
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