Mozambican municipalities want to be part of the solution for the country's development

Municípios moçambicanos pretendem ser parte da solução para o desenvolvimento do País

The National Association of Municipalities of Mozambique (ANAMM) says it is ready to play an active role in finding solutions to local and national development challenges.

Speaking this Tuesday (18), at the end of an audience with the Mozambican head of state, the association's president, João Ferreira, who is also mayor of Chimoio, expressed the willingness of the 65 Mozambican municipalities to actively contribute to the country's development.

"We, as the National Association of Municipalities, saw fit to come and present ourselves to His Excellency the President of the Republic in order to demonstrate that our association exists, our association is strong, our association has been around for 20 years, it's an association that has the credibility of the central government," said João Carlos Gomes Ferreira.

"We've made some proposals that we can help to be the solution," added Ferreira, quoted by the newspaper "The Country".

One of the points highlighted at the meeting was ANAMM's initiative to create a national development company, the aim of which is to acquire equipment to be shared between municipalities, enabling them to solve problems at both municipal and district level. "We came to say that we are ready to help in what has been the great development, the great change that we want to make in our country in terms of serving and serving everyone better and better in general," said the president of the association.


(Photo DR)

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