INE: Commodity prices up 0.52% in February

INE: Preços dos produtos básicos aumentaram 0,52% em Fevereiro

The average price level in Mozambique's urban areas rose by 0.52% in February, according to the latest data published by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

"Among the goods that recorded the most significant price increases in February were tomatoes (14.3%), unground corn (6.4%), fresh fish (2.2%) and butter beans (2.3%)," says INE, stressing that in some cases, prices fell over the month, namely lemons (down 24.7%), potatoes (5%) and eggs (3.6%).

The highest inflation during the month was in Inhambane (3.92%), followed by Tete (3.49%) and Xai-Xai (2.79%). The cities with the lowest monthly inflation rates were Nampula (1.4%), Beira (1.44%) and Maputo (1.64%).

Meanwhile, during the period in question, the annual inflation rate stood at 4.74%.


(Photo DR)

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