Nampula approves 100-day governance plan worth more than 330 million meticais

Nampula aprova plano de 100 dias de governação avaliado em mais de 330 milhões de meticais

The provincial government of Nampula, in northern Mozambique, approved this Thursday the plan for the first 100 days of government, which is valued at 336.5 million meticais..

Meeting in its first ordinary session, the spokesman for the Nampula Provincial Executive Council (CEP), William Tunzine, explained to the press that "this plan presents actions to be carried out in the first 100 days of government, with a direct impact on improving the living conditions of the people of Nampula". According to Tunzine, "the plan includes 72 actions with an immediate impact on the lives of the population".

"We're going to work in the economic and social areas. The economic area includes agriculture, transportation and communications, public works (improving and rehabilitating access roads damaged by cyclones and more). In the social area, we will continue to work on education, health, the supply of drinking water, as well as guaranteeing a dignified life for our population," added the spokesman, quoted by the portal Ikweli.

On the occasion, Tunzine explained that the provincial executive of the northern capital had also discussed the state of play of the projects financed by revenues from mining and oil exploration. "We're talking about 7,25%, we're going to continue with these activities. These are activities linked to public works," he said.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Nampula CEP said that, in material terms, 520 teachers will be hired, 23 classrooms will be built, and work will also be completed on health facilities whose budget has been approved and disbursed.


(Photo DR)

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