Gaza: People halt work on Chongoene port terminal due to non-compliance with agreement

Gaza: Populares paralisam obras do terminal portuário de Chongoene por incumprimento do acordo

People from Nhampfunhine, in Gaza's Chongoene district, decided on Thursday (30) to halt work on the Chongoene port terminal, in protest at the failure of the company formed by the Chinese company Desheng Port and the state-owned Portos e Caminhos-de-Ferro de Moçambique (CFM), the project leader, to comply with the social responsibility agreement..

Construction work on the port terminal, as part of the exploitation of heavy sands in Chibuto.

According to the population, the project managers, who are the result of a public-private partnership, are not fulfilling the promise made to build social infrastructure when the project started.

According to a publication in the newspaper "The Country"Due to the unrest in the community affected by the port project, the government met with the parties and an agreement was reached on the phased construction of the social services. In the meantime, the population is warning that the resumption of work is conditional on the implementation of half of the agreement.

The paralysis of activities at the Chongoene port terminal, following the popular uprising, could jeopardize the deadlines for delivery of the work, scheduled for next February.


(Photo DR)

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