Sala da Paz advocates more publicity for the new electoral package to increase transparency

Sala da Paz defende maior divulgação do novo pacote eleitoral para reforçar transparência

The electoral observation platform, Sala da Paz, advocates more publicity for the new electoral package, approved by the Portuguese Parliament (AR), as a way of strengthening transparency in electoral processes.

The position was defended yesterday, Tuesday (01), in Maputo, at a meeting to reflect on the new electoral reform for this year's seventh general elections.

In a publication by Radio MozambiqueThe representative of the Peace Room, Osman Cossing, said that only with the release of the new electoral package will society be prepared to interpret the stages of the process, as well as the competencies of the institutions involved.

On the same occasion, the vice-baston of the Mozambican Bar Association, Arlindo Guilamba, stressed the need to inform society about the framework of the Electoral Law in the country's current legal framework.

For his part, the first vice-president of the Mozambican Judges Association, Jafete Freimo, points to strengthening the role of electoral bodies as a way of avoiding conflicts after the election results have been announced.

The meeting to reflect on the new electoral reform for this year's seventh general elections also served to clarify the competencies of each court in judging electoral disputes.


(Photo DR)

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