As the campaign draws to a close, MPs order PT and PM to ban vehicles with hidden license plates

À conta-gotas para o fim da campanha, MP intima PT e PM a proibir circulação de viaturas com matriculas ocultas

The electoral campaign in Mozambique for the general elections on October 9 began on August 24 and will last 45 days, ending on Sunday, October 6.

Early on, there were several accusations of electoral illicit activities, including the use of state public resources by the Frelimo and Renamo parties.

However, in this chapter, the Frelimo party used the strategy of hiding the verification of license plates by placing plates with the party's name on them. This was done throughout the country.

This constitutes an electoral offense, and the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) recently announced that it has reacted to the situation by ordering the Traffic Police (PT) and the Municipal Police (PM) to act in accordance with the law in the event of violations, says the News.

On the other hand, the Public Prosecutor's Office says it is necessary to investigate the veracity of the complaint about the use of a presidential plane for the trip of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Verónica Macamo, to South Africa, and the participation of ministers in the election campaigns of Frelimo's presidential candidate, Daniel Chapo, all with the use of public funds.

PGR challenges Venâncio Mondlane to present evidence of electoral wrongdoing

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