48 million meticais proposed for magistrates not to arrest ringleaders of the laundering of more than 330 million dollars

Propostos 48 milhões de meticais para magistrados não deter cabecilhas do branqueamento de mais de 330 milhões de dólares

As part of the operation Stop Money Laundering "Stop BC" triggered by the Public Prosecutor's Office, and which has already led to the arrest of Nuro Gulam's brother, prosecutors and judicial magistrates denounce pressure, bribes and threats.

According to the NewsIn order to obstruct the operation, these raids come through the organized crime syndicate. The criminals are proposing to pay 48 million dollars for investigators not to arrest the alleged ringleaders. laundering of more than 330 million dollars (more than 21 billion meticais).

The magistrates say they are under pressure to abandon the case, but are committed to holding all those involved in the illegal export of foreign currency criminally responsible.

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