PR passes law approving PESOE for 2024

PR promulga lei que aprova o PESOE para 2024

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, using the powers conferred on him by the Constitution, has promulgated and ordered the publication of the Law approving the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (PESOE) for 2024.

The above-mentioned law was recently approved by Parliament and submitted to the President of the Republic for promulgation, with the Head of State verifying that it does not contradict the Basic Law.

The General State Budget for 2024 is estimated at more than 542 billion meticais, an increase of 15% compared to 2023, which was set at more than 472 billion meticais.

Most of the expenditure goes on wages and salaries, which have grown to nearly 192 billion meticais.

In the same plan, the government estimates state revenues of more than 383 billion meticais in 2024 and a deficit of more than 159 billion meticais, corresponding to 10.4% of the Gross Domestic Product. (RM)

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