Port of Beira expands and modernizes infrastructure to increase cargo handling capacity

Porto da Beira amplia e moderniza infraestrutura para elevar capacidade de manuseio de carga

The Port of Beira, in Sofala, plans to increase the volume of cargo handled from 350,000 containers to around 700,000 containers a year and, to this end, work is underway to expand and modernize the infrastructure.

The redevelopment project consists of expanding the terminal and building a machine park, and is expected to meet the demand for goods, the company said. RM.

The planned infrastructure will have to accommodate large ships and reduce the time vessels spend in port terminals.

"We've already started with new expansion areas that weren't paved before. We're going to replace the previous technology [with a new one], which makes it easier to accommodate a greater number of vessels in a short space of time, because space in the port is limited. By investing in technology we can double our capacity," said Miguel De Genga, Chief Operating Officer of Cornelder de Moçambique, the concessionaire of the Port of Beira.

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