Government will acquire articulated buses for passenger transportation

Governo vai adquirir autocarros articulados para transporte de passageiros

The Maputo metropolitan area will initially receive 20 articulated buses for passenger transport to solve the problem of pressure during critical traffic hours.

The main six routes with the highest incidence of congestion are yet to be acquired, according to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala.

The routes still have to be defined, choosing those with the highest traffic but also those that are easy to get to.

Quoted by "Notícias", Magala said that this was one of the structural solutions that the country needed to solve the chronic problem of passenger transport in the country.

"The solution lies in a profound reform of how this service has been provided, moving from informal to professionalization, and integrating the various modes of transport," said the Minister of Transport and Communications.

In another development, the Minister, who was speaking on Thursday in Maputo on the sidelines of the Institution's XL Coordinating Council, said that the passenger subsidy ends this month. However, he assured that the issue will still be analyzed in order to find sustainable solutions.

"What is certain is that some of the most vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the disabled and students, will continue to benefit from the transport subsidy," he said.

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