The Tax Authority (AT), the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), the Republic of Mozambique Police (PRM) and the National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE) seized, this Wednesday, unspecified sums of money in national and foreign currency in conventional commercial establishments that were also engaged in the illegal practice of currency exchange.
The authorities say that it is still necessary to account the value and also to assess whether all the money seized results from foreign exchange activity. And because it is an unregistered activity, which presumes a prior tax evasion, the losses to the State are also yet to be calculated.
The raid took place in the provinces of Tete and Maputo, and resulted in the closure of the respective establishments and the arrest of 17 citizens. Of those arrested, 14 operated in Tete and the remaining three in Maputo city.
The joint inspection, which took place at a national level, aimed to verify the legality of these operators and the fulfillment of their legal obligations, according to the Deputy Director General of Customs, Fernando Alaje.
The official said that many establishments are carrying out activities other than those authorized by the licenses. And, those operators arrested will be held criminally liable under their tax obligations.
"It is an operation that is here to stay, the results are promising, and at the appropriate time, after collecting everything that has been done at the national level, we will be able to say in more detail what is happening in each province," he said.
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